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What happens when a NYRican Mami Writer/Organizer Moves to Los Angeles for love of one man & ends up falling in love with a whole community? Puterias, NPIC Pendejadas and Power plays

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Twitter is a shit show, Tik Tok is for dancing, and us middle aged peeps still like email reminders so why not get NYRican deliciousness directly inserted into your inbox. It’s like a love letter or hate mail - depending on who you be and why you are here. Are you an ex lover who never got over me? Chances are you will see yourself reflected here. Are you an asshole that broke my heart - you too can see yourself here. Maybe you are another Executive Director who loves to hate me and wants material to use against me. Maybe you are an Executive Director who hates me publicly but really just wishes you could be like me. Maybe we are lovers or lovers to be. Maybe you are family. Maybe you just want to be free.

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Remember Blog rings and carnivals? I want to bring that spirit back.

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Subscribe to NYRican in LA

From Coast to Coast - Mami'hood, media making and non-profit puterias


What happens when a NYRican Mami Writer/Organizer Moves to Los Angeles for love of one man & ends up falling in love with a whole community? Puterias, NPIC Pendejadas and Power plays